Cadogan Estate Reopening Plan
As we plan to welcome our colleagues and customers back to Chelsea, Cadogan is working to help create a safe, secure and sustainable reopening and recovery.
The Reopening Plan focusses on three main areas:
Guidance from World Health Organisation, UK government and Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Guidance from industry bodies
Operations: Proposed activity and initiatives that will be put in place across areas that we directly manage such as Duke of York Square, as well as publicly managed areas including King’s Road, Pavilion Road and Sloane Street.
Trading hours
Health & Safety measures
Staff training recommendations
Wellbeing for employees
Cadogan customer support campaigning and working with government groups to ensure policy measures for a safe reopening and sustainable recovery
Communications: Promoting the reopening of our district with an enhanced and considered communications and marketing programme
Download the full document as a pdf here or continue
reading as a webpage, below
1) Government and Industry Guidance
As we prepare for the reopening of stores and businesses, hygiene measures and social distancing restrictions will continue to be necessary to limit transmission of the virus. The following links offer guidance on how to reopen and operate your business safely:
– World Health Organisation: Getting your workplace ready for Covid-19
– London Growth Hub: Support for Businesses and Employers
– UK Government: Working safely during coronavirus
– Public Health England: Guidance for employers and businesses on coronavirus (COVID-19)
– Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea: Support for businesses and the self-employed
– Health and Safety Executive: Help and information to keep people safe and healthy at work
– British Retail Consortium: Guidance on Social Distancing in Stores and Warehouses
– MIND: Mental Health & Wellbeing support
– Kensington and Chelsea Foundation: Funding opportunities
Cadogan Operations
Our top priority is to provide a safe and secure environment for our customers and colleagues, and to restore confidence for those who live, work and visit Chelsea. To support a safe reopening and sustainable recovery, we have focussed on street operations and effective communications and customer support:
We are undertaking a deep clean of our privately managed areas prior to reopening and working with the local authority on publicly managed areas. Upweighted cleaning regimes will continue.
We will provide signage across the estate to promote social distancing. This will include external and internal communal areas, as well as the introduction of one-way systems, where appropriate.
Queuing guides
We will provide social distancing floor stickers for the pavements outside stores to enable a district-wide, uniformed system for safe queueing.
We will install hand sanitiser dispenser points throughout the privately managed areas of the estate.
We have had confirmation from government that PPE used as a precautionary measure does not need to be disposed of in a special way. Therefore, we ask you to use the general waste bins across the estate and in your stores.
Our Security Teams will continue to work at full capacity and our overnight Dog Patrol services will remain fully functional. We will review personnel capacity on a daily basis.
Public space & transport
We are working with Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, and Transport for London to explore the possibility of road closures and traffic reduction.
We anticipate a temporary closure of the southern end of Pavilion Road to vehicle traffic in early June.
We will be increasing the bike parking capacity for our customers, colleagues and visitors.
For any of your staff, we will be providing building specific solutions that meet the government’s “Covid Secure” protocols including screens at reception desks, hand sanitiser for visitors, enhanced cleaning regimes and social distancing measures.
Recommendations for our customers
Providing a safe district for our customers and colleagues is our top priority. We have worked in partnership with NWEC (New West End Company) gathering input from UK tenants with overseas operations to produce ‘best practice’ recommendations for businesses. These complement government guidelines and ensure a consistent approach:
Trading hours
We recommend opening at 11am and closing between 5pm & 7pm to allow stores to phase travel for employees and customers. We also recommend specific hours for returns and refunds as other cities have experienced high volumes during the first few weeks of reopening.
Queueing protocol
We recommend queue management should be to the left of the business entrance. We will be providing markings for the footpath and clear guidance for all businesses, to ensure consistency across the district and minimise visual clutter.
Property managers will be in touch with details for some stores, these include stores with more than one entrance and those we expect to have long queues.
If additional queue management is needed, in higher density shopping areas we will be able to provide physical barriers to guide visitors.
Social distancing
Please ensure that your store has sufficient internal social distancing measures in place. This should include the following:
– Defining the number of customers that can reasonably follow 2m social distancing within the store and any outdoor selling areas, taking into account total floorspace as well as likely pinch points and busy areas.
– Limiting the number of customers in the store overall, and in any particular congestion areas, for example doorways between outside and inside spaces and changing rooms.
– Suspending or reducing customer services that cannot be undertaken without contravening social distancing guidelines.
– Encouraging customers to shop alone where possible, unless they need specific assistance.
– Reminding customers who are accompanied by children that they are responsible for supervising them at all times and should follow social distancing guidelines.
– Looking at how people walk through the shop and how you could make adjustments to reduce congestion and contact between customers, for example, queue management or one-way flow, where possible.
– Ensuring any changes to entry, exit and queue management take into account reasonable adjustments for those who need them, including disabled shoppers.
– Click here to read the British Retail Consortium’s guidance for stores and warehouses and click here to read the government guidance for shops.
Cadogan Communications
We will continue to update our customers regularly with any government and industry news, and any changes that are a consequence of the advice they set out.
We will continue with our Resilient Retail Webinar series to bring together businesses and employees during these challenging times.
We are working with government destination marketing agencies on new domestic and international marketing campaigns designed for a post Covid-19 world.
We will be adjusting our events calendar and marketing services in line with government guidance, with an immediate focus on driving engagement through our digital channels in preparation for driving footfall when appropriate.
Please inform us of any additional services that you are putting into place that are of interest to people who live, work and visit the area. We will promote these services across our owned and earned media channels.
Cadogan Customer Support
While the initial reopening of some businesses marks a milestone in the battle against Covid-19, our work is far from over. To ensure a smooth and sustainable reopening and recovery of Chelsea, we are working with all levels of government through industry bodies, to support our customers during the current closure, the reopening and the recovery stages.
We continue to campaign with industry bodies for continued government business support measures for occupiers.
– Continued business support, including tapering and flexible furlough for businesses dependant wholly or partly on income from international visitors.
– Continued cash-flow support for occupiers and tapering of key government fiscal measures.
– Reassurance that Transport for London have the resources to operate safely and to the highest capacity possible within government guidelines for colleagues & customers.
– Clear UK government guidance on social distancing and cleansing best practice in businesses and public spaces.
– Greater flexibility on use of spaces, including increased pedestrian use and outdoor trading for hospitality businesses.
– The safe opening up of airports and ensuring guidance is consistent across the globe to avoid UK only measures.
We are working to secure continued public investment in the Chelsea area and to promote longer term policy changes.
– Additional funding for tourism marketing and promotional agencies such as London & Partners and VisitBritain.
– Extending Sunday trading hours for areas with high international footfall.
– Review and reform of business rates.
– Digitalisation of tax-free shopping and inclusion of EU shoppers.
– Discounted car parking on and around retail areas.
Should you wish to download the Cadogan Reopening Plan
as a pdf, please click here