Community calls for acoustic cameras to reduce supercar disturbance
Cadogan supports local residents and the wider community in the drive to reduce noise from supercars, calling for the installation of acoustic cameras to measure the noise
from offending vehicles.
Find out more about the initiative in The Times or read the full letter of support here:
Graeme Paton
Transport Correspondent and Education Editor
The Times
10 September 2019
Our residents are tired of loud supercars revving their engines on the streets of Kensington and Chelsea at all hours of the day and night. A recent report saw how decibel levels can reach 126dB on an ordinary summer’s night – around the average level of a rock concert.
This is plainly too loud, blighting our friends and neighbours’ lives, and risks leading to other anti-social behaviour. That is why we are asking Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, to pilot acoustic cameras in our neighbourhoods. This forward thinking new technology could help with noise nuisance around the UK and we think our neighbourhoods would make the perfect testing ground.
Cllr Johnny Thalassites, Lead Member for Planning and Transport, RBKC
Cllr Cem Kemahli, Lead Member for Environment, RBKC
Greg Hands, MP for Chelsea and Fulham
Tony Devenish, GLA member for West Central
Felicity Buchan, Conservative parliamentary candidate for Kensington
Hugh Seaborn, Cadogan Estates
Knightsbridge Business Group
Brompton and Hans Town ward Councillors
William Fall, Chair, Thurloe Owners and Leaseholders Association (TOLA)
Andrea Hamilton – Ovington Sq. Residents Association
Dr. John Pollard, Chair, Law and Order Group, Knightsbridge Association
(Dr. John Pollard M.B., Ch.B, FRCA)